Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2022

JBAH Gioi Thieu

Hình ảnh
In the early centuries of the 20th century, the development of Buddhism led to the introduction of the Chinese writing system, and the oldest texts in Japan are written in Classical Chinese. Although written as Japanese, these texts sometimes show influences from Japanese grammar. In addition, Chinese characters are often used phonetically to denote the sounds of specific Japanese particles, such as "you." The earliest known text in the Japanese language was the Kojiki, which dates from the early eighth century. The Kojiki was also written in Chinese characters and was not widely known until the end of the Nara period (794). In recent years, Japanese news websites have evolved to meet the expectations of users in English-speaking countries. The earliest editions of the Guardian were published in Japan, and they have a thriving audience in Tokyo. However, today's Japanese news sites are much more complex and diverse, displaying content in a customised way. There are multip